How can you nurture your relationship and make your partner loved and happy? The 5 Love Languages.

How can you nurture your relationship and make your partner loved and happy?
The 5 Love Languages: The Words of Affirmation
When your partner is emotionally loved she or he feels secure in your love, your relationship looks beautiful and both of you wish to have a romantic and fulfilled life.
But how can you nurture your relationship and make your partner loved and happy?
These are the ways we want to communicate our love and receive it, and these ways belong to your partner as well:
1. Words of affirmation
2. Quality time
3. Receiving gifts
4. Acts of service
5. Physical touch
As you have read in my previous post on my blog, we could express all these ways but usually, we have one of them that is the most used; now it is time to learn more about them and how you can discover these emotional ways in your partner.

Remember: always, be ready and focused to observe, listening actively, and touch in a sensitive way your partner with all your 5 senses.
What does it mean ‘Words of Affirmation’?
Usually, those who use this emotional way want to express their emotions through words, and they like to hear lovely and romantic words.
Like compliments, appreciations, supportive encouragements by words, lovely words. So, if your partner has this way to communicate it is possible that she or he appreciates listening to your voice…and the things they wish to hear from you!
When you give verbal compliments is one way to express words of affirmation to your partner and she or he will express their feeling in the same way to you. In this case, you know this fact: despite the words of affirmation are not your way to express your feelings, you need to accept your partner's way to give their attention to you in this emotional mode. Of course, their aim is to discover your emotional language…

Keep in mind that they need a deep and clear description of the emotion you want to share, more details you put, and more they appreciate it, but remember to use your voice, your tonality to make more exciting your lovely words. And remember that sometimes your words could say one thing, but your tone of voice says another thing!
If you want to learn more, I wish to invite you to read about body language and the ways used by people to communicate.